Multiple Dose IV Infusion (Antibiotic)
Mr NM is a 23 year old Indian factory worker had a chemical burn on his right thigh 8 days which became badly infected. On examination, he was febrile (38.5C) and flushed. Heart rate was 93/min and BP was 103/60 mm Hg. Liver and renal function was normal. He was started on a parenteral antibiotic, 500mg administered by slow intravenous infusion over 2 hours, every 8 hours.
Case Narrative
The antibiotic has good activity against gram positive bacteria, particularly staphylococci. It is eliminated primarily by renal excretion. Generally, a trough plasma concentration of about 15-20mg/L would be considered effective against most Staph aureus infections that have an MIC of 1mg/L. Concentrations lower than 10 mg/L may however, predispose to development of bacterial resistance. It has been suggested that average concentrations above 25mg/L might be associated with increased risk of nephrotoxicity. An alternative therapeutic target is to maintain the AUC:MIC ratio above 400.
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